Welcome to the Safeguard Agency! We are dedicated to giving you the trucking policy that's right for you, as well as useful information for your trucking career!

The office is closed and will open again at 10:00am today.

What is Safeguard?

Safeguard is a dedicated insurance agency exclusively serving the trucking community. We provide an extensive range of insurance products nationwide and pledge to honor our commitments to our clients by providing superior service and holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards

Insurance Services

Insurance available for independent owner/operators and small fleets:

  • Primary Liability
  • Motor Truck Cargo
  • Non-Trucking Liability
  • General Liability
  • Trailer Interchange
  • Comprehensive/Physical Damage
Click here to learn more!

Or contact Jose Blay
Tel. (631) 617-5222 ext.1903

Movie and Film Production Program
  • Errors and Omissions
  • Worker’s Compensation
  • General Liability
  • Property
  • Auto Liability

Contact Bill Lindsay for more information.